Registration & Entry Forms

Horse Show Entry Form

Download show entry form (PDF)

  • Fill out the classes or division you are entering.
  • Include a check made out to Oxbow Stables, Inc. to cover entry and horse fees. Credit cards are also accepted. You may keep a credit card on file, if you wish.
  • Indicate any special requests, i.e. early or late times. We will do whatever we can to accommodate your needs.
  • Mail, fax or drop off the entry form – Oxbow Stables,  39 Orts Road., Hamburg, NJ 07419 – fax: 973-827-1016 – If you have any questions please call Tara at 973-903-3722

Entry must be signed, include proof of negative Coggins test within 12 months, and full payment to Oxbow Stables, Inc. Entries may be mailed, faxed or emailed and must be received by closing date with payment. Credit cards accepted. Entries received after the CD will incur a $25 late fee. $45 late fee for entries after times are scheduled. $10 office fee for changes made after CD. Non-negotiable check will void entry and incur a $35 fee. $25 grounds fee for non-competing horses. $30 lost pinney fee.

Any dressage test may be ridden as a “Fix-A-Test,” Fee: $65. 2nd CT entered is $35 and ridden HC. Clear Round Jumping: 1st round: $20, 2nd round: $5; with CT entry: 1st round: $10, 2nd round: $5. Scheduled at end of division. Please pre-register. April show – CT at all levels. Cross Country Schooling: $40 horse/rider combination. Weather permitting.”

Summer Camp Registration Form

Download Summer Camp Registration Form (PDF)

Download Summer Camp Brochure (PDF)

Fill out and return with payment.

Saturday Program Registration Form (PDF)

Download Saturday Program Registration Form (PDF)

Download 2020 Saturday Program Brochure

Fill out and return with payment. If paying by check, please make checks payable to Phoenix Equestrian Center

Parents are asked to support these wonderful programs by volunteering at our monthly shows. We always need more XC fence judges, dressage scribes, ring stewards, show secretaries, gate attenders, and jump crews, and score keepers/runners. Some of these jobs are no experience necessary. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Please fill in the volunteer form along with the registration form.

Clinic Release Release & Entry Form

Download Clinic Release & Entry Form (PDF)

Fill out and return with payment.

Please check the date you wish to ride, or fill in the clinic date in the space marked “other/specify”.

Client Testimonials

Interested in working with us? Check out some of our client testimonials below!

“Thanks so much for having the girls and me to the dinner last night. It is always one of my favorite nights of the year. I love the team work that the Saturday program cultivates, and I love watching the girls recognize the growth they’ve made year to year. It is a one of a kind program, and I know exactly how much hard work it takes to pull it off. As always, it was a night of smiles and laughter in the midst of a very long and cold winter.

Good luck with the spring season and hope to see you at one of the shows this year. “


“All of us from West Milford Equestrian Center were very happy with the organization, smooth running of the event and the great stall accommodations during the show. Each time any of us had a question, we were treated with respect and every question was answered thoroughly, politely and with a smile. We were even asked from time to time if there was anything we needed and were offered hay for our horses if needed and assistance when we were moving out on our way home.

The judge, Cheryl Ash, was a delight and since it was the first time I ever did a Fix A Test, I had no idea what to expect. What a treat!!! She was so engaging and her desire for each one of us to do our best and come away with something to work on to improve our horse and ourselves gives me the desire to ride for her again. I look forward to showing her my progress and how much her genuine desire to teach touched me. When ever it is offered, I will always take advantage of the Fix A Test.

Our group looks forward to your October 22 event and I am especially eyeing up your beginner cross country course. It looks like the perfect opportunity to have a bit of fun with my horses.”

Suzanne Wilt – West Milford Equestrian Center

“Over the past five to six years that I’ve been doing clinics at Oxbow, I have found the facility, management, the riding and the horses to continue to improve. There is an evolution to the standard of excellence that everyone at Oxbow is trying to achieve.”

Michael Page – Olympian hunt seat winner